Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Another soccer injury...

1st game back at indoor soccer and we ...well seb ends up like this..

Fractured 5th meta - something on his R foot... So that's the end of soccer this year, his skills program he got into & his school camp...

1/2 cast and bandaged from toe to under knee for 4 weeks & on crutches.

Lee-Ann xx

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Look what I got...

From a very special US friend- Diane. We have never met in person, but email each other. She took pity on me after seeing my huge ornament tree and she is trying to fill it for
Diane has already sent 1 beautiful ornament, but this time she out did herself..

Inside this box is....

A cute little Christmas cat which she stitched

The cutest sleigh ornament..

Fanny Mae chocolates which I have put aside and unsure as to whether I will share :-)

Thank you Diane... Xxxxxxxx

Lee-Ann xx