Sunday, May 19, 2013

1 year ago

I was getting mums 70th party ready, what a year of changes I've had.

I have got a tattoo
A new full time job
Lost 19kgs ..and more to go
Taken the kids to sydney myself..ok with mum, but I did it alone.
And I'm going to Cross Fit- and enjoying it..who knew I would like
And my life has changed ...

I now realize I wasn't happy, and I was always doubting what was wrong with me, so much self doubt, why can't he love me, what can I change ...but I now's not me... I am not the problem.....there is nothing wrong with me. I was loyal, committed, honest & respectful... He can't tell me that.

My life is about me living for me now, I need to look after myself and be happy to look after my 2 precious children.

They see mum exercising , happier and doing things with them I wouldn't have normally done.

They have a new mum, no more self doubt.

And since I am exercising I need to look good, so I got myself these...

Lee-Ann xx

Thursday, May 2, 2013