Monday, April 28, 2008

Its my birthday ..

Yes its my birthday today 41 .....think i might go backwards now.

I am being spoilt so thats a plus ...

From Jon, Madeline & Sebastian - and according to Mad it was her idea - a digital photo frame which I have wanted for a long time. A really nice pink watch and some body shop girly stuff ....perfect gifts, they couldnt have chosen better, I also got a voucher for a " no cooking night" at La Porcetta - pizza/pasta. I asked if I have to use that tonight as we are going there for tea or can I use it at a later date ...think I have to use i tonight :-)

Also going out to lunch with mum today and then for coffee with 2 friends tomorrow, more coffee with another friend then on Thursday - only day we could get together. Think the partying should be over by then.

Well off to play with my digital frame and get ready for lunch.


1 comment:

Bette said...

Lee-Ann, allow me to be the first to wish you a very happy birthday! It sounds like your day was wonderful!