This is my collection of cook number is 101 !!
Is that bad ???
The top right red book is my Great grandmother Eunice Ada Drucilla Chenoweth,
handwritten recipe book in a diary dated 1948.
She was a chef in the Royal Adelaide Hotel many many many years ago.
I remember when I was young, going to her place and eating her home made ice-cream, her tomato, cucumber and onion salad - which my pop had grown.
Her silverside with home made white sauce, her puddings and the best scones you would have ever had.
whipped up whenever guests arrived, announced or not,served with her homemade jams.
I also have her and Pops Royal Adelaide show ribbons and certificates
they won when showing home grown produce or cooking.
It has the christmas cake and boiled christmas pudding she made every year, until she wasnt able to anymore.
My mum took over the pudding making and now I make the cakes. Its something I will cherish forever.
Some I have inherited from my mum and G Great grandmother, some are cake decorating and the rest are Womens Weekly's, Jamie Oliver, Nigella ..can i be a Domestic Godess like her ??
After looking at them all, and I love cooking, my goal for this year and hopefully for many to come, is to ...
cook at least 1 recipe from a different cook book every month.
I will blog here when I do ...a bit like Julie & Julia - modified version ..and yes I do have Julia Childs french cooking made easy book LOL
and as of today curtesy of one of my good friends ..and she knows who she is ( Coral )
the total now is 102 !