The test results are that Madeline has bacterial tonsilitis, which is good in a way because the penacillin will help. She also has glandular fever, but the doctor thinks just a mild strain, the tonsils are worse. So at least we know, we are also waiting on more results on Thursday to see if she has had glandular fever before - which according to the doc, most children have but parents are unaware, the cells lay dormant until a trigger sets them off. Also what i didnt know was that tonsilitis is connected to glandular fever.
So after a slight improvement today while the medicine kicks it ..mind you it took 18mins to have a 5ml dose penacillin and 11mls panodol .....this has to happen before food and every 6 hours...
we decided to sit together and stitch. the top photos are of her practice piece she wanted to do then her finished piece today, she did it all herself starting and finishing, 1st time for backstitch, then did her initials. 2nd photo is of her in her jammies stitching...