Thursday, July 12, 2012

Doctors visits....getting older...and the joys of being female..

I detest them and it...

Went 2 weeks ago for the full "women's" checkup...lucky me now gets to wear a 24 hr blood pressure monitor... Because my first reading was too low, 2nd time i got a little got higher, 3rd was too high...

So this morning off I go to get it on, it's been slightly high all day, and then it went really high...maybe it was after the phone call where I had a very irate customer abuse me... Yes that got my blood pressure

Then it's been down all night, it reads it every half hour, soon it will be very hour and lucky me gets to sleep with it on.. How I will sleep..I have no

Then lucky me gets to have a blood test in the morning.. Now to try and get the veins to co-operate, they go into hiding at the sight of a needle..

And then in 2 weeks my "girls" get a free screening because of my age ...squeezed into shapes you couldn't imagine ... Oh the joys of getting

so far all results back are perfect and clear... Which i am so grateful I suppose 24 hours of my arm being squeezed in half will be ok...

Lee-Ann xx


coral said...

Welcome to o
ur ol girls club Love ya ((()))

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Being a girl was never easy but being a gal getting older is not fun, either. Good luck with getting some sleep. Hope everything is AOK!