Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ok so....

This year has had more downs that ups... I was hoping that would change..
And I thinking it had...
But a little minor visit to the hospital last Monday to have a full hysterectomy, put a slight spanner in the works. :-)

What I thought was a simple visit to the doctor and a pill later ... Turned into this... it all snowballed in a good way. I would never have known my health could have been in danger with my insides as messy as they were.

So it's a good thing..

I'm home now - its saturday after the operation Monday , all went well, well as well could be when the surgeon went in and found "a mess" his words ...

I'm good, there is pain and discomfort but I'm ok...

And was spoilt with these...and a wonderful surprise visit from 2 very BFF's Coral & Helen, unfortunately Lissy had to work.

But 1 more week till our 2013 GTG .. where I don't think much will be happening.

Lee-Ann xx


Kim said...

Lee-Ann, sorry to hear of your troubles. Rest up and heal and I hope things take a tun for the better soon.

Bette said...

Lee-Ann, hope you are feeling better. Look at it this way, you'll be able to get so much stitching done during your recovery. Things can only get better from here on out.

Chris said...

Oh Lee-Ann. I ham sorry that this happened but I am glad that you are home and recovering and being pampered by family and friends. Take this time to rest and recharge!

Nise said...

Hi love long time no chat... I pop in from time to time to see how you and the kids are going and to read this latest post made me need to say hello....

Hope all is well rest up and stitch!

Noise xx