Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Feeling blah...

Because of a stupid cold... Or minor dose of the flu, head aches, body aches, temps.. Runny nose, sneezing coughing You know the cold/ flu symptoms...

We have a "slice day" at work tomorrow, so I thought I would take chocolate macarons.
1st batch looked like yo yo kids are happy as they will get to eat them.
2nd much better... And while cooking them and trying to get tea ready who drops a full un opened jar of crushed garlic on the floor... I have it incase I don't have fresh.
Well don't have it and it went everywhere and all over me.

So I stunk , the floor of the cupboard was covered in glass and garlic but the macarons came out perfect.. they were the main priority being the 2nd batch and wasn't going for a 3rd.

No news here except waiting the arrival any day now of a new niece or nephew.. I haven't brought a thing and busting to buy something..

Soccer for Seb is nearly finished for the year, and I will have my Sunday mornings back.. Not that I do anything, but so nice not to be somewhere 1/2 hour away by 8.30am.

Well the house is cleaned up, doesn't smell like an italian restaurant , I smell better, macarons all filled and ready to go, so I am going to plonk myself and the couch and veg with a box of tissues, butter menthols , and the t.v.


coral said...

Lee-Ann hope you are feeling better...I'll come over for morning tea and we'll polish off the macaroons...I to have a sore throat.......blahhhhhhhhh

Vicky said...

Hope you feel better soon, I have the stupid cold too and guess what most people I have talked to reckon it lingers for weeks - sorry to tell you.