Friday, August 5, 2011

Hansel & Gretel ....

Adriano style ...

what a challenge on Master Chef last night,
and what an evil man...but very cute ..

4 hours to complete this ...

my past ones look pitiful compared to this,
and to top it off
I brought lollies
I am not going to do this version,
but love the shape of his house, so i am going
to attempt it this christmas ..

oh what i would give to have a class with him ..


Colours of the Outback said...

How evil is he! I would kill to have a class with him. I didn't think they would have to make the lollies, I thought they were just going to be bought ones until he started talking. Should of known, no short cuts with Zumbo!

Helen said...

I think he needs to cook for us again Lee-Ann :)
His only ever fail had to be on our night didn't it and the only good thing .....the coconut foam those girls up the other end of the table pigged out and ate the lot! lol

But you still got a cuddle with him ;) lol