Monday, December 19, 2011

This is what happens...

when you leave Hansel & Gretel..opps I mean 2 kids alone
with lollies
 and a bare gingerbread house .....

kids gone wild...

 notice the headless & armless gingerbread man
on the roof ....

they both had a 2 sides & a roof each to decorate, I forgot
to cut out doors & windows when I made it,
and they forgot to make if any little
Hansel & Gretels are in there, they are trapped ..
and we did have some..not many ...lollies left over..


Lyn said...

That looks just too I can see why poor Teddy lost some of his body ...I have thoughts of making one myself this year...

Chris said...

That house looks wonderfully scrumptious!

xstliss said...

Yummmmm, says me who doesn't like gingerbread!!