Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 18..its home time

its currently 8.10am and about to check out of the Hotel. Then off to disneyland for the day, before we get picked up to catch our flight back home at 8.30 tonight. we are to arrive in melb at 10.20am Tuesday.

Last night was the fireworks and we stood near 2 ladies who come all the time, they told us so much interesting info that you wouldn't normaly know ...if its too windy before the fireworks start, they release plain white balloons to see the wind direction, they dont sell plain white balloons so its a sign if they send up 1 or a few as the whether its on. We saw them last night as it was windy, fireworls went ahead.

Also around the park they have "hidden mickeys" you have to find, one is in the freworks, they told me when and i got a great photo- will post it when I get home.

well about to turn off computer for last time in Disneyland, California USA ..

see you all real soon xxx

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